Mike Hawrylycz

Mike Hawrylycz
Allen Institute for Brain Science
Seattle, United States

Speaker of Workshop 1

Will talk about: Neuroinformatics and digital atlases of the Allen Institute for Brain Science

Bio sketch:

Mike Hawrylycz joined the Allen Institute in 2003. He is responsible for the direction of the data analysis and annotation effort. Hawrylycz has worked in a variety of applied mathematics and computer science areas, addressing challenges in consumer and investment finance, electrical engineering and image processing, and computational biology and genomics. Hawrylycz received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He subsequently was a post-doctoral researcher in the Computer Research and Applications Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Talk abstract:

Neuroinformatics techniques and analysis have played a large role in the development and presentation of many of the atlases of the Allen Institute for Brain Science. Large scale pipelines manage the flow of data from laboratory to the web, using methods of image processing, data analysis, and annotation. In this presentation we survey the neuroinformatics tools and techniques used and their relationship to neuroanatomy for the Allen atlases of the mouse, developing mouse, and mouse connectional atlas.